August 8, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The missionary works are underway. Thanks for all of your prayers. Here is a letter from Mindanao and our ongoing operation there. Please keep me in prayer as I will be traveling this week to the Philippines.
Your brother in Christ,
Bro. Daniel Martin
Email received: July 5, 2007
Dear brother Daniel,
Were glad to share again our report for the 3rd week operation;
The teams of two were sent out again last Monday and as the Lord leads them there are many great things happening as a result of this 3rd week operation.
Many people were being reached through the teams and many individuals received the message and responded positively, there are denomination pastors and members that are excited to visit our church to have fellowship and to know more about the message.
There is a “new apostolic” pastor name Rafael Sembegan known as a rooted pastor in his church doctrine as he listen in the message he started to disagree with, he wants that his church doctrine is right but as we continue shared to this message the Holy Spirit works he turn to humble himself and accept the message and at the end he is more excited to know more about who really we are, and he is planning also to visit our church.
There is a good testimony we want to share as we follow-up what happen to our operation; what the first team did we heard a report that the mentally disturb person were started to live in harmony with his family and neighbors so his parents give thanks to what the Lord is doing with his child because after that the team prayed this guy something miracle happen the process of healing works of him, and that only God can do.
Outreach testimony (Lamlaban Tiboli outreach)
Their is a Sister in the church Lamlaban who suffered for 1year and half with her gum problem and the doctor said that, that is already a cancerous so they are trying to prapare much money for operation, but she came to a prayer line one Sunday were pastor Ungkal were their and some brothers, now she started to testify that the Lord healed her perfectly.
So we want to say thank you for continuous prayer and support that as a team we able to pursue what we started.
God Bless You
Bro. Ceasar Ungkal