We just returned from India, a country with more than one billion people and is said to have more than one million gods. Only 3% of the population are considered Christian by faith. It is very exciting and a great challenge to enter into a land that is rich with opportunity to share about a God who is alive and working in the present day. Brother Branham went to this country in 1954 and had some marvelous meetings with many miracles in people’s lives. He was only able to have three days meetings before the government cancelled them. It is a privilege to carry the same Message and to see it still produces the same life as people hear and accept it. We wanted to thank everyone for your prayers and to tell you a little about our trip.
We arrived in Mumbai to have some services with the brothers at their churches. After eight services in three days our team separated to travel to different parts of India.
Brothers John Worlund and Shannon Johnston went to Anakapalli to have three days and nights of services with some brethren we had met on our trip in 2007. While they were there sharing the Message with the local church, the pastor was inspired by the doctrines of the Gospel he heard Brother John speaking of. The pastor invited some of the local denominational ministers to come and listen. Twenty-two pastors came as Brother John shared the light of this end-time Message. They left excited about the words and the ministry that they had learned of. We followed up by sending them twenty-two Church Age Books and twenty messages of the Prophet of God in the Telugu language, which is the local dialect. They have been blessed by what they have read thus far.
While they were in Anakapalli I travelled to Hyderabad and met with Brother K. Daniel. We had two services at which time six people asked to be baptized. Also I met a man and his wife who had recently received one of the Church Age Books in the Telugu language. The woman had been raised as a Hindu and her husband was from a Christian home. When they began to read from the pages, they said it became alive to them as their minds and hearts were opened. They surrendered their lives to God and were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They said they had never been so happy in their whole life.
From there I travelled to Vijayawada to meet with Brother John and Brother Shannon. We had six services in which many people came to listen. We prayed for more than 300 people. There were three people baptized during these services including one Hindu woman.
Next we travelled to Delhi for our final week of services. We met with some new people who had heard we were in the country and they invited us to speak at their churches. We had six services where the people testified of their healing and deliverance that God had done for them during these meetings. We shared many experiences with them of the things we have seen and heard of the Message of the Hour and it thrilled their hearts. They never tired of hearing the messages and told us they wanted to hear more. As we finished our last service we heard the question we hear so many times, “When are you coming again?” Please keep them in your prayers.
Brother Ron Perry
WMO Missionary / Pastor