Tape of the Week
The Infallible Proof of the Resurrection57-0114
Paul tells us, talking about speaking of blood, Paul tells us that the blood speaks. You believe the blood speaks? In Genesis 4:1, or 4:10, God told Cain, He said, “Where is your brother?” He said, “His blood, his—his voice…The blood of his, the voice of his blood calls out against you.” Now we also
Bro. David Ventresca, a faithful missionary and brother, received his promotion early this morning. Obituary and Funeral Information
God said, “Except a man be borned again, he cannot even see the Kingdom of God.” No matter how intellectual you may be, or how good a Christian you claim to be, you’ve got to be borned again. You say, “Then, Brother Branham, I’ll have to come to some little mission?” That doesn’t mean that.
We were speaking, the other day, before some businessmen, that were attorneys, and so forth. And—and they said…One said, “What is your—your main objective in life?” I said, “I have one.” He said, “What’s that?” I said, “Saving souls for Christ.” That’s the—the only thing that I… My highest ambition, and only ambition, is to
And I truly believe that every Word of God, every promise that He made, is true. And it’s to anybody who will accept it. And now there is some who try to accept it, and cannot. There is others who can accept it. And some get it without half trying. Now, that, we have to