
Take them in your heart tonight and just start drawing from them. “God, you promised it. Lord…” Tomorrow I don’t care how you feel, what you look like. “Glory, I’m drawing from that promise.” Watch how strength begins to renew, how things begin to straighten out, how arms begin to move up, how eyes begin to brighten up, how hearts begin to beat normal. The breasted God, “I’m drawing. Well, I don’t care how I feel, what I look like. I’m drawing from that breast.”

“Lord, You’ve promised it. I’m the Seed of Abraham. I am Your child, and I’m drawing from this promise. It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. I believe You. Next day I’m sicker than I ever was. I’m still drawing. I stagger not at the promise of God through unbelief, but strong in faith, giving glory to God for the promise that He said it would be so.” Hallelujah. WMB

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