We look forward to having you join us this evening.
Encouraged in Christ
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.”
Romans 12:9-13
“Before there was a world, before there was a planet, before there was a sun, before there was a moon, before there was light, before there was anything, when it was still God, God and His thoughts, the eternal thoughts of God chose you by predestination, by foreknowledge, to know that you would be on the earth, to know there would be sin.
Someone said, “Then, why did—why was there sin?” If there had never been sin, His attributes would have never have been a Saviour. There had to be a sinner so He could be a Saviour. There had to be a sick man so He could be a Healer. Amen! There you are. It had to be that way. It was God who—who saw it and foreordained it. The devil ain’t even in the race. Oh, he’s just a stump on the side of the road that God used to bring children to Him, crying, “Abba, Father.” WMB
“Let every thing that hath breath Praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”
Psalm 150:6
“If you’ll just open your eyes, you can see Him all around you. He’s in His universe, everywhere, moving. Watch Him in the sunset. Watch Him in the sunrise. Watch Him in the rainbow. Watch Him everywhere. You can see Him, He’s no farther from you than your right arm is. God is in His universe.” WMB
And I think it’s the great coronation of the Full Gospel, is the resurrection, and its Divine promises, and the consolation that it gives those who are trusting in it. For, it promises the great union of our uniting together again. It promises, and the—the fading away of all sin. It promises the fading away of all deformities, all the sufferings that we have did in this, had to go through with, in this life. It promises, and the vanishing of its all. It promises that even death will lose its hold, and we’ll rise in the likeness of Jesus. So, to my opinion, the resurrection is the greatest of all the promises in the things of the Scripture. There is where it sealed it.
59-0510M – “Mother’s Day”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
And now, the same Blood, and mingled in there through His stripes, you were healed. If you believe it, accept it, no matter how you feeled. It isn’t by feeling, never think…Jesus never did one time say, “Did you feeled it?” Said, “Did you believe it?” That…No matter how you feel you just believe it. You’re not saved because you feel like you’re saved, are you? I’m not saved because I feel like I’m saved. The devil can beat you around the bush on your feelings. Brother, I’m saved because I met God’s requirement. That’s why I’m saved. Let me see him beat me around that. That’s what God said. My feelings, that has nothing to do with it. But the Bible said I’m saved, and I met that requirement, and that’s the reason I know I’m saved.
Rev. William Marrion Branham
And now, the same Blood, and mingled in there through His stripes, you were healed. If you believe it, accept it, no matter how you feeled. It isn’t by feeling, never think…Jesus never did one time say, “Did you feeled it?” Said, “Did you believe it?” That…No matter how you feel you just believe it. You’re not saved because you feel like you’re saved, are you? I’m not saved because I feel like I’m saved. The devil can beat you around the bush on your feelings. Brother, I’m saved because I met God’s requirement. That’s why I’m saved. Let meContinue Reading
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Psalm 29:11
Jehová dará poder a su pueblo; Jehová bendecirá a su pueblo con paz.
Salmo 29:11
What are we worried about? Why do we go along looking like this, “Well, I just wonder”?
Lift up your heads! The Bible said, “Lift up the feeble knees. And let the hands raise up, that once hung down. Let him that’s weak, say, ‘I’m strong.’” Amen.
For, the Gospel is delivered. It’s good News. And, this morning, the Holy Spirit, through the Word, is bringing you the good News, that, “From before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” All the devils out of hell can’t erase it out of there. God’s Word has done spoke it. Just as sure to happen, as God wrote it in there before the foundation of the world! Amen. How glorious our Heavenly Father is, in His infinite love and His mercy, to do that for us!
56-0603 – “The Lamb’s Book Of Life”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
What are we worried about? Why do we go along looking like this, “Well, I just wonder”? Lift up your heads! The Bible said, “Lift up the feeble knees. And let the hands raise up, that once hung down. Let him that’s weak, say, ‘I’m strong.’” Amen. For, the Gospel is delivered. It’s good News. And, this morning, the Holy Spirit, through the Word, is bringing you the good News, that, “From before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” All the devils out of hell can’t erase it out of there.Continue Reading