Encouraged in Christ

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“He wants to be bothered that way. He does. Don’t never think that you could ever ask too much of God. I believe the Scripture said, “You have not, because you ask not. And you ask not, because you believe not.”

He wants us to ask and believe that our joys would be full. He wants you to ask abundantly. Ask for big things; don’t limit your faith to some little mustard seed. Get on out here to some other kind of faith, and move out in big things. Ask…Big things is just as easy to receive as little things. You just have to believe; that’s all. And you got faith, just know exactly how to use it, and it’ll be all right. You can put it right to work and it’ll just be fine.” WMB


“Él quiere que lo molesten en ese aspecto. Seguro. Nunca piense que puede pedirle demasiado a Dios. Yo creo que la Escritura dice: “No tenéis, porque no pedís. Y no pedís, porque no creéis”.

Él quiere que nosotros pidamos y creamos para que nuestro gozo sea cumplido. Él quiere que usted pida abundantemente. Pida por cosas grandes; no limite su fe a una semillita de mostaza. Avance a alguna otra clase de fe, y muévase en cosas grandes. Pida… Las cosas grandes son tan fáciles de recibir como las cosas pequeñas. Ud. simplemente tiene que creer; eso es todo. Y usted tiene fe, sólo aprenda a cómo usarla y todo estará bien. Usted puede ponerla a funcionar y estará bien.” WMB 

We look forward to having you join us this evening.

“But if you’ve got the Holy Ghost, you’re God’s child, you’re Abraham’s Seed. You got an unconditional covenant writ in your heart by God Almighty Himself, Who can’t take it back. Amen. He swore that He wouldn’t do it. Hallelujah!” WMB ~ “Pero si usted tiene el Espíritu Santo, eres hijo de Dios, de la simiente de Abraham. Uds. tienen un pacto incondicional escrito en su corazón por el mismo Dios Todopoderoso, quién no puede retractarse. Amén. Él juró que no lo haría. ¡Aleluya!” WMB

There is none holy as the LORD:
For there is none beside thee:
Neither is there any rock like our God.
1 Samuel 2:2


No hay santo como Jehová;
Porque no hay ninguno fuera de ti,
Y no hay refugio como el Dios nuestro.
1 Samuel 2:2

“The cloudy skies and storms of life are no signs of God’s disapproval. Neither are bright skies and still waters signs of His love and approval. His approval of any of us is only IN THE BELOVED. His love is elective which He had for us before the foundation of the world. Does He love us? Ah yes. But how shall we know? We shall know because He SAID SO, and manifested that He did love us for He brought us to Himself and gave us of His Spirit, placing us as sons. And how shall I prove my love to Him? By believing what He said, and by conducting myself with joy amidst the trials that He in His wisdom allows to come to pass.” WMB

“And sometimes we have more troubles when we become a Christian than we did when we were sinners. Of course, it is written, “Many is the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth him from them all.” God promised many afflictions, strange feelings and strange things that would be beyond our understanding, but it’s always done for our good. We just can’t understand it, because if we did, then it would not be of faith to us. We would go with an understanding. But we do it and we have it and we believe by faith His Word, that it’sContinue Reading

“God lets disappointments happen, to show victory. Oh, if we could only see that! See? You’d only see that these things that seems to be so burring you, and upsetting you, they are trials. They are things, to stand still, focus your glasses on the Word of God. And speak the Word, and then just walk forward. That’s all there is to do it. We get to a time, we say, “God, I don’t know what to do. I’m up against it.” Speak the word, “Lord, I believe.” And just start walking forward. God does the opening up of the sea. You just keep walking. See?” WMB


“Dios permite que sucedan desalientos, para mostrar victoria. Oh, si nosotros únicamente pudiéramos ver eso. Si usted únicamente pudiera ver que estas cosas que parecen ser tan difíciles, y lo molestan a usted, son luchas. Son cosas para quedarse quieto, enfocar sus binoculares en la Palabra de Dios y hablar la Palabra, y luego solamente caminar adelante. Eso es todo lo que hay que hacer. Nosotros llegamos a ocasiones que decimos: “Dios, yo no sé qué hacer. Estoy contra la pared”. Hable la Palabra: “Señor, yo creo”, y empiece a caminar hacia adelante. Dios hace la apertura del mar. Usted solamente continúe caminando, ¿ve?” WMB

‘And God took that great chaos of darkness, and transformed it into a garden of Eden, see, by His Word. That’s how we’re transformed, by God’s Word. When God said, “Let there be light,” and that mass of creation out there come over in around the sun, and begin to revolve around the sun, and became a garden of Eden because it obeyed the Word of God. It done the perfect will of God, for it was transformed from chaos, into a garden of Eden, by the Word of God.” WMB ~ “Y Dios tomó ese gran caos de oscuridadContinue Reading

Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo

“Be courageous. No matter what comes up, what goes, what takes place, just don’t let nothing beset you. Just stand there like a rock of ages, and God will make everything come out all right.” WMB


“Sea valiente. No importa lo que venga, lo que pase, lo que acontezca, no deje que nada te acose. Solo parase allí como una roca de siglos, y Dios hará que todo salga bien”. WMB