Psalm of Encouragement (Spanish)Psalm 144:1-7
Encouraged in Christ
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
I will praise Him forever and ever, for the cross made the difference for me!
¡Lo alabaré por los siglos de los siglos, porque la cruz marcó la diferencia para mí!
“We got an anchor. Some waves we can go over, some we go under, but, regardless, the…if the anchor holds! It isn’t the ship doing the holding; it’s the anchor doing the holding. It isn’t what I am, or what I will be, or what I was; it’s what He is now, and what He did for me and you. It ain’t what I can do, it’s what He has done.” WMB
“Tenemos un ancla. Algunas olas podemos pasar por encima, otras podemos pasar por debajo, pero, independientemente, el … ¡si el ancla sostiene! No es el barco quien sostiene; es el ancla la que sostiene. No es lo que soy, ni lo que seré, ni lo que fui; es lo que Él es ahora, y lo que hizo por mí y por ti. No es lo que yo puedo hacer, es lo que Él ha hecho”. WMB
“But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”
Isaiah 64:8
“Ahora pues, Jehová, tú eres nuestro padre; nosotros barro, y tú el que nos formaste; así que obra de tus manos somos todos nosotros.”
Isaías 64:8
“Forgive our many weaknesses, Lord. We don’t intend to do anything wrong, Lord, but through flesh we do make mistakes daily. So in order to stay alive in Christ, we have to die to our own thoughts. So keep us dead to ourselves and alive in Him. Let our bodies be so, and our soul so submissive to Him that people will see the reflection of Christ as we go, or come, or whatever we do.” WMB
“Señor, perdona nuestras muchas debilidades. No tenemos la intención de hacer nada malo, Señor, pero a través de la carne cometemos errores todos los días. Entonces, para permanecer vivos en Cristo, tenemos que morir a nuestros propios pensamientos. Entonces manténganos muertos para nosotros mismos y vivos en Él. Que nuestros cuerpos sean así, y nuestra alma tan sumisa a Él que la gente vea el reflejo de Cristo mientras vamos, o venimos, o lo que sea que hagamos.” WMB
“He will regard
the prayer of the destitute,
And not despise their prayer.”
Psalm 102:17
1. a firm, fixed look; gaze
2. consideration; attention; concern
to have some regard for one’s safety
3. respect and affection;
4. reference; respect; relation
1. not having; being without; lacking
2. lacking the necessities of life; living in complete poverty
3. Obsolete
abandoned; forsaken
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble
Encouragement in Spanish
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in troubleEncouragement in Spanish
Song of Encouragement
“We Are Victorious Children”
Song of Encouragement“We Are Victorious Children”
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
“Pero los que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas;
levantarán alas como las águilas;
correrán, y no se cansarán;
caminarán, y no se fatigarán.”
Isaías 40:31