“I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.”
Psalm 104:33-34
Encouraged in Christ
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Song of Encouragement
“Count Your Blessings”
Song of Encouragement“Count Your Blessings”
Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo
Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo
Song of Encouragement
“Alaba a Dios”
Song of Encouragement “Alaba a Dios”
Now, there’s only one thing can hold this Sword. That’s the hand of faith. The hand of faith is the only thing that can yield this sword of faith, sword of the Word. Now, you might have a weak arm, just enough to pick it up for justification, you’re so weak. Maybe that’s all you can cut through. But this sword of the Word will cut free every promise that God made in It, if they got a good strong arm of faith holding it there. “I believe God for my healing. I believe God for my baptism.” God made the promise, and faith holds this Sword, it’ll cut her out of the Rock yonder. Every promise of God can be cut free, by the Word of God, for it is a Sword. WMB
Now, there’s only one thing can hold this Sword. That’s the hand of faith. The hand of faith is the only thing that can yield this sword of faith, sword of the Word. Now, you might have a weak arm, just enough to pick it up for justification, you’re so weak. Maybe that’s all you can cut through. But this sword of the Word will cut free every promise that God made in It, if they got a good strong arm of faith holding it there. “I believe God for my healing. I believe God for my baptism.” God madeContinue Reading
“I can be so ever so down, and feel that I can’t hardly go no…
another round, can’t go nowhere else; then I can kneel down and put
my finger on a promise, and say, “Lord God, Thou art my strength.
Thou art my satisfaction. Thou art my all-in-all.” I can begin to feel
Something bubbling up from inside of me there. I come out of it.
As I have passed fifty years old, I’d wake up of a morning, you know
how it is, you can’t hardly get that one foot out of the bed. My, you can’t
hardly do it; and somebody at the door, knocking, or Billy telling me
there’s an emergency, somewhere I’ve got to go. And I think, “How can
I do it?” Try to put one foot out.
I think, “Thou art the Fountain filled with my strength. Amen! My
strength and my help cometh from the Lord. Thou are my artesian
well! Thou art my youth! ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with the wings like an eagle; they
shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.’ Lord God,
this is my duty, to go. I’m called to the post of duty.” And the first thing
you know, Something begins to gurgle up inside of me.” WMB
“I can be so ever so down, and feel that I can’t hardly go no…another round, can’t go nowhere else; then I can kneel down and putmy finger on a promise, and say, “Lord God, Thou art my strength.Thou art my satisfaction. Thou art my all-in-all.” I can begin to feelSomething bubbling up from inside of me there. I come out of it. As I have passed fifty years old, I’d wake up of a morning, you knowhow it is, you can’t hardly get that one foot out of the bed. My, you can’thardly do it; and somebody at theContinue Reading
He is in His nature out yonder, summer and winter, leaves, flowers, birds, animals. He’s in the sunset, the sunrise. He’s in the solar system. He’s everywhere! God is everywhere! He’s in His universe. WMB