Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.
Chile – Oct./Nov. 2018
Bro. Pedro, Bro. Wil and Bro. Gexon.
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Bro. Pedro, Bro. Wil and Bro. Gexon.
Outreaches in The Philippines – 2018
This album is also available on Facebook
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This album is also available on Facebook [custom-facebook-feed album=10157062096829734 albumcols=3 num=200]
Ecuador – October 2018
Boarded for Quito.
This album is also available on Facebook
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Boarded for Quito.
Arriving in Malawi. Traveling by van to Mzuzu, a six-hour journey. Bro. Stephen Kalua’s church in Mzuzu, Malawi which was built with the help of Bro. Ray Muetz and Bro. Mitch Fairweather. A day of rest at Lake Malawi turned into witnessing to street vendors. Arriving in Kampala, Uganda. Met by Bro. Charles Obwoon our host in Uganda. Bro. Charles Obwoon in Kampala invited us to his home for lunch. Sis. Obwoon and other sisters from the church preparing lunch. Bro. Scott Mitchell ministering at Bro. Onyaputu Arthur’s church near Mbale, Uganda. Bro Herbert Makoba discussing the rice livelihood project. Walking to Bro. Matthew’s house near Numalu, Uganda.
Arriving in Malawi. Traveling by van to Mzuzu, a six-hour journey. Bro. Stephen Kalua’s church in Mzuzu, Malawi which was built with the help of Bro. Ray Muetz and Bro. Mitch Fairweather. A day of rest at Lake Malawi turned into witnessing to street vendors. Arriving in Kampala, Uganda. Met by Bro. Charles Obwoon our host in Uganda. Bro. Charles Obwoon in Kampala invited us to his home for lunch. Sis. Obwoon and other sisters from the church preparing lunch. Bro. Scott Mitchell ministering at Bro. Onyaputu Arthur’s church near Mbale, Uganda. Bro Herbert Makoba discussing the rice livelihood project. Walking to Bro. Matthew’s house near Numalu, Uganda.
Mexico – September 2018
This album is also available on Facebook
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This album is also available on Facebook [custom-facebook-feed album=10156959243644734 albumcols=3 num=200]
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