Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Update from Bro. Daniel Martin

Dear  Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  As we pass the first quarter of this year, 2009, the missionary work is in full swing.  We have had a multitude of requests from many parts of the world.  One of those such requests is some Pentecostal people in Pakistan who have been in contact with us through our precious Bro. Larry Hart.  After much prayer and consideration, we are sending a team there the Lord willing this coming May.  As you probably have heard, the climate in this area is very hostile.  As we have seen in the past, when the Lord has led us to go to many places such as Cali, Colombia, which at the time was the worst city in the world, but we saw God do marvelous things out of the efforts of the missionaries.  We believe that the time is right.  The cry is great.  Please keep this in your prayers.

Philippines Missionary Trip Report

Having just returned from our recent trip to the Philippines, we would like to take the time to thank everyone for their prayers and support for us while we were gone.  We stayed quite busy with our travels and many services that we participated in. It was wonderful to have Brother Steve Schuette and his wife Nicole, along with Brother Jonathan Timm and his wife Roseanne with us. They were a great help to me and a blessing to the people they met. We first arrived to have services with Brother Rolly Andig in Bulacan, Manila. After the services that morning three people were baptized.

South Africa Missionary Report

Dear Brother Daniel,

As you know we just returned from South Africa and I wanted to give you a brief update of the trip. I spent my time mostly right in our church in Monzi, where God is really becoming real to the Zulu people. The effects of the gospel is beginning to spread to many there, with 23 new souls this trip plus the effects of their lifes on others in the area.  The tribal chief gave us a letter saying that we have permission to build or do what we want next store to the church a lot the size of where the church is now also giving us a piece of farm land one hector (about 2.2 acres) for farming.

Philippines Missionary Update

Dear Bro. Daniel,

The team has just returned from the Philippines where we finished the third church of the trip, on the island of Bohol. The pastor there is Bro. Joe Cutin.  Before we arrived, they had been having a lot of rain which flooded the rivers and turned the roads to 10 inch deep mud. No one wanted to take 11 guys and their tools through about a quarter a mile of mud plus another 5 miles of rutted roads and get stuck. Once again the Lord provided a different hardware store with a large dump truck to deliver all the materials and said that we could ride on top of the materials into the church site.  We asked him about transporting us from where we were staying to the church and back out at the end of the day. He said for thirty dollars a day he would do it. The sun came out and this site had the best dirt to dig in, the lightest wood (one brother could lift a truss), and we still got to mix concrete volcanoes. At each church site the local believers jumped in and it was such a joy to work side by side with our brothers and sisters. At each church God also gave us new converts and we baptized 15 people on this trip with another 9 to be baptized by those following our trip.

Uganda Missionary Report

Dear Brother Daniel,

Our recent trip to Uganda ended on February 16th with a baptismal service that saw 20 souls come to know our Lord and Savior. One woman was washing clothes on the bank of the river where we were baptizing; she came under conviction and was baptized. In all we visited 7 churches and ministered 15 services, “the Lord working with them confirming His Word with signs following”. We received many testimonies of healings following the services.

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.