Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Missionary Update from Bro. Daniel Martin

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I greet you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from Whom all blessings flow. Certainly God is good all the time even in the darkest of nights, He is always there. I had a little business card that Bro. Billy Paul once gave me of Bro. Branham’s. It was just a plain white card with his name in the middle and at the bottom of the card were these words: Yesterday He helped me. Today He did the same. How long will this continue? Forever praise His Name. We know that the God we serve is more than able to see His people through.

We have been so very busy since we sent the last update. It seems like time just flies. So many things are happening. We have missionaries in India and South Africa, Mexico, and other places. Please keep all of the other missionaries in your prayers.

The South African work is growing daily. We will be returning the Lord willing in October with brothers. Pictured below is the site of our tent services last month in Clairmont, South Africa.

Letter from Bro. Daniel Martin

June 4, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  We are now in the month of June – preparing to go to our annual missionary conference in Genoa, IL June 18th – 22nd.  As we write this letter, it has been a busy first half of the year and we are now in the planning stages of the last part.  I would like to thank everyone for their prayers for mom as she was near the point of death and is now doing much better.  We thank the Lord for his answer to the prayers of His people.  We will be giving all of the updated reports at the Genoa meetings.  We are looking forward to seeing each and every one there that can make it.  We will be discussing all of the upcoming trips into Mexico, India, South Africa, the Philippines, and other parts of the world.  The mission work is growing stronger each day.  Please keep all of our missionaries in your prayers.  I have enclosed a couple of testimonies for your reading.  God bless you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Bro. Daniel Martin
Missionary / Pastor

South Africa – Dedication Services

A short video showing the progression of the church in Manzi being built followed by highlights of the dedication services held in February of 2008.

Emails from Overseas

I have enclosed a couple of testimonies for your reading.  God bless you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Bro. Daniel Martin
Missionary / Pastor

Reports from the Philippines

Dear WMO missionary partners,

Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It has been some time since our last update and the Lord has been doing wonderful things. Rest assured your prayers have not been in vain and many souls have been added to the Kingdom of God. I wanted to share some reports and emails with you that have come in recently. I am sure they will be a blessing.

Sign up for our Weekly Bulletin

Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.