Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Testimonies from the Life Learning Center

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We received an email last week from Sis. Elen Avila that we wanted to share with you. We are looking forward to a busy year this coming year and definitely ask for your continued prayers for the missionary work that the Lord has given us to do. God bless you.

Bro. Josh Dutton

Healed from Cancer!

A testimony came in this week to Bro. Daniel and he thought everyone would really enjoy it. It is from Sis. Mary Katheryne, Sis. Fonda Adkins’ mother. Bro. David and Sis. Fonda Adkins have been faithful elders in the church in Genoa, IL for many years. …

Report from the Philippines

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing this update from General Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines where a group of us are having services this weekend and things are going well. Below are two pictures from Friday showing Bro. Daniel with the new Sunday School material for the children of the Life Learning Center. Also pictured is a brother with the effects of polio whose crutches were broken down. WMO bought him some new crutches. Thank you!

Letter from Uganda

Bro. Herbert Makoba from Uganda is doing well there with the brothers doing missionary work. We just purchased a motorcycle this week so the native missionary brothers can be more effective in their outreach. They have been covering the many miles on bicycles which is taking them a long time and can be done much more efficiently and effectively with a motorcycle. This is just one of the many things that we are able to do for other missionary works because of your faithful prayers and support. The following is an email from Bro. Herbert that came in today.

Updates on South Africa and the Philippines

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings to you in the wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

It is a great privilege to write to you concerning the many things that the Lord is doing in the mission fields. As you know we have just returned two weeks ago from South Africa, and have seen the things that God is doing in Zululand. The church is growing each and every day. We have about 250 converts in the area and God is adding to the body daily. We are preparing now for a major mission operation to spread the Gospel throughout the Zulu Nation. Our goal for 2008 is to reach every village in Zululand, the Lord be willing and give us the strength. Please keep all of the laborers in the Lord’s harvest in your prayers that they may carry out this work and that the last predestinated seed may be found. We are also preparing to go into the townships in a major way this coming year to the millions who have never heard the Gospel in these shanty-towns.

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.