Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Philippines Trip Report – July 2011

Dear Brother Daniel,

We just returned from the Philippines this week. We visited Brother and Sister Avila in Davao City where WMO is looking at opening our own Christian school. Brother Nelson has a small group in Davao city and another one about two hours away. The orphans which are now living in Davao city are doing great!

Congregation singing “We Bow Down”

Bro. Joshua Dutton leading the congregation in singing “We Bow Down” Wednesday evening at our 2011 June meetings.

Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross

Bro. Jeremy McGowan singing “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” on Wednesday evening of our 2011 June meetings.

Annual Missionary Meetings

Our annual June missionary meetings have concluded and we trust they were a blessing to those who attended in person and online. We would like to give God the glory for the tremendous services and to thank everyone for their prayers and support.

We will be uploading some short clips from each of the services, so be sure to check out the June Meetings 2011 page.

Memorial Service for Bro. John Martin

The memorial service for Bro. John Martin is now available for viewing online. Run time:  2 Hours 32 Minutes

Sign up for our Weekly Bulletin

Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.