Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Other regions of Venezuela visited by our Missionaries. Bro Douglas Cisneros and Bro Ruben Vergara helping the Bride of Christ.
Otras regiones Venezolanas. Hermanos Douglas Cisneros y Rubén Vergara, ayudando a la Novia de Cristo.
Other regions of Venezuela visited by our Missionaries. Bro Douglas Cisneros and Bro Ruben Vergara helping the Bride of Christ.Otras regiones Venezolanas. Hermanos Douglas Cisneros y Rubén Vergara, ayudando a la Novia de Cristo.

Keep pressing the battle. Our Missionaries Bro Miguel Suárez and Bro Rafael Rojas baptizing new believers.
Permaneciendo en la Batalla.Nuestros misioneros, Hermanos Miguel Suárez y Rafael Rojas Bautizando nuevos creyentes
Keep pressing the battle. Our Missionaries Bro Miguel Suárez and Bro Rafael Rojas baptizing new believers. Permaneciendo en la Batalla.Nuestros misioneros, Hermanos Miguel Suárez y Rafael Rojas Bautizando nuevos creyentes

Thank you for all your prayers and support for the Kingdom of God. Please keep all the missionaries in your prayers as they labor for the gospel, searching the highways and byways. This is a team of missionaries and the results of their labors.
Thank you for all your prayers and support for the Kingdom of God. Please keep all the missionaries in your prayers as they labor for the gospel, searching the highways and byways. This is a team of missionaries and the results of their labors.

Doing a lot of mission work just in one day. Pray for our missionaries, Bros Douglas Cisneros, Rubén Vergara from Elohim Tabernacle, Caracas, Venezuela.
Haciendo mucha obra misionera en un solo día. Favor orar por nuestros Misioneros, Hermanos Douglas Cisneros y Rubén Vergara, Tabernáculo Elohim, Caracas Venezuela
Doing a lot of mission work just in one day. Pray for our missionaries, Bros Douglas Cisneros, Rubén Vergara from Elohim Tabernacle, Caracas, Venezuela. Haciendo mucha obra misionera en un solo día. Favor orar por nuestros Misioneros, Hermanos Douglas Cisneros y Rubén Vergara, Tabernáculo Elohim, Caracas Venezuela
Street service. Singing ‘we ask you Lord to break the chains right now’.
Servicio al aire Libre, cantando “ahora mismo”
Street service. Singing ‘we ask you Lord to break the chains right now’.Servicio al aire Libre, cantando “ahora mismo”
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