Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Quote of the Week

That night when He said to the shepherds, “Go down into Bethlehem, for this day is born Christ the Saviour. Christ, the anointed God, this day is born by a woman.” God!

Not making her a god, now. He just borrowed the womb of the woman, the same as He borrows this body to preach the Gospel from. The same as He borrows your body, to do the work that He wants to do through you, because He still is Immanuel, a sign, God with His people. God living among His people, the super, everlasting sign. It can never fail. It’ll always be the sign.

You talk about these signs, what about this one? Before you can ever get any other sign, the sign of speaking with tongue, the sign of prophesying, the sign of any supernatural, you’ll have to go back to the original sign, the Eternal and everlasting sign. Get straight, to start with, and upon that foundation, which is Rock through the ages, and nothing will ever touch it. The gates of Hell will be against it, but cannot prevail. Get that sign, “A virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son.”

And He told these shepherds, “Here is how you’ll find Him. He’ll be in a manger, in a barn, wrapped in swaddling’s cloth. And when you look upon Him, believe, for He is God among us.”

That sign wasn’t only to the shepherds. But it was given to all the world, to look upon Him and see who He is. It’s God with us, Immanuel.

Rev. William Marrion Branham
A Super Sign

Venezuela – October 2024

Please pray for our Missionaries, leaving right to Humocaro Alto, Lara State Venezuela
Por favor orar por nuestros Misioneros, saliendo a Humocaro Alto, Estado Lara Venezuela.

Venezuela – October 2024

Another inhospitable and complicated area is reached by our Missionary brothers. This time a small village called “Las Cabezadas”, up in the mountains where the rivers begin in the State of Sucre in Venezuela. We were able to take besides the Word of God, some school supplies, used clothes and shoes, candies for children and some food. To God be the Glory for this work and these missionaries that do not see distance or dangers to go to where the predestined seed is. Otra inhóspita y complicada zona es alcanzada por nuestros hermanos Misioneros, esta vez una pequeña aldea llamadaContinue Reading

Venezuela – October 2024

Our Missionaries going out. WMO in motion.
Nuestros Misioneros de salida. WMO en marcha.

Venezuela – October 19, 2024

Gospel on the move. Evangelio en acción.

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.