Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.
Praising God all the time in El Maco, Venezuela
Praising God all the time in El Maco, Venezuela
Bro. Josue Torres, Bro. Pedro Cabello and Pastor Moisés Chapellin make a trip into country places where the Bride of Christ in Venezuela is pressing on the battle.
Bro. Josue Torres, Bro. Pedro Cabello and Pastor Moisés Chapellin make a trip into country places where the Bride of Christ in Venezuela is pressing on the battle.
More of the missionary work in Sucre State, Venezuela.
Mas del trabajo Misionero, Estado Sucre Venezuela.
More of the missionary work in Sucre State, Venezuela.Mas del trabajo Misionero, Estado Sucre Venezuela.
Paul tells us, talking about speaking of blood, Paul tells us that the blood speaks. You believe the blood speaks? In Genesis 4:1, or 4:10, God told Cain, He said, “Where is your brother?” He said, “His blood, his—his voice…The blood of his, the voice of his blood calls out against you.”
Now we also find in Hebrews, the 12th chapter and 24th verse, that the New Testament, the Blood speaks better things. The Blood is speaking. Then the Blood has got a Voice. And the Voice of the Blood is the Word. Hallelujah. That’s what makes it whether it’s right or wrong. The—the Word is identified by the Voice of the Blood. The Voice of the Blood is the Holy Ghost. That brings Life. It is Life, and It brings Life to the Word and quickens It. Amen, amen, amen.
Sure, the Blood speaks, It speaks a better thing. The Old Testament, the blood spoke of guilt. In the New Testament, It speaks of redemption. In the Old Testament, it spoke of death and sorrow. In the New Testament, It speaks of resurrection and Life. It speaks of healing. It speaks of joy. It speaks of Power. It speaks of Life. It speaks of Heaven. And that same Blood that was shed upon the ground, that called out after his dead brother, or called out after his brother that had killed him. The Blood of Jesus Christ covers all of our sins, and speaks peace and resurrection, and Power and Life, and healing. And all the redemptive blessings that the Blood was shed for, It speaks for us. Certainly, the Blood speaks. Oh, my!
The Token
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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