Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Quote of the Week

Now, there has to be enough light to make a shadow. If it was dark in here my shadow would not be on this pulpit. But being that there’s light, then it makes a shadow. See? So death is dark in a certain way, but it’s only a shadow. See? “The valley of the shadow of death…” So there has to be a certain amount of light in death to make it a shadow. Aren’t you happy that that’s so, that there is light in the valley?

17 Someday we’re all coming down that way, friends. Every one of us are on our road there tonight. And each time our heart beats, is one time less than it’ll ever beat again. It’s just got so many beats it’s going to make in this journey. Some…It’ll make its last beat one of these days. Then we’ve got to go down through the shadow of death. So we’re happy that we have been promised that the Morning Star would meet us there to light up the valley and give us the—a light to cross the river.

I’ve got to come that way sometime. That’s why I want to put all my life for the Lord Jesus, everything that I can do for Him. And I can only serve Him as I serve His people. You can only love Him as you love each other. I can only love Him as I love you and you love me. And together we love God. And we become His children, in that I serve you, you serve me. And that’s we’re serving God. Jesus said, “Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these little ones, you have did it unto Me.” So if we want a blessing, let’s be a blessing to someone else, and a blessing will return. Like casting your bread upon the water, it’ll return. And that’s true. In all walks of life you’ll find that. You usually reap just as you sow. So let’s do good. Talk good and be kind. And people talk about us, we’ll say good things and kind things. And good things will come our way, if we’ll give them out.

Rev. William Marrion Branham

Venezuela – October 2024

Missions never stop. Saints of a little town named “El Paraíso”. Worship God without a roof. El trabajo misionero nunca se detiene. Santos de un pequeño pueblo llamado “El Paraíso” adoran al Señor sin tener un techo.

Venezuela – October 2024

Our Missionary brothers working in a small village called Los Palmares… A very difficult area to access but they enjoyed a beautiful fellowship.*****************Nuestros hermanos Misioneros trabajando en un pequeño pueblo llamado los palmares.. una zona bastante difícil para acceder pero disfrutaron un hermoso compañerismo.

Tape of the Week

Going Beyond the Camp

Quote of the Week

Few weeks ago down in Mexico, we were–were talking down there, and on the platform there was an old man came to the platform who was blind. I looked at him; his old wrinkled feet, and they were–probably never had a pair of shoes. Just, oh, the poor man, and he wanted to kneel down and take out his rosary, or prayer beads, and what they say, and so I raised him up, and through the interpreter I said, “No need of doing that.”

But when he put his arms around me, blind… And I thought, “You know, if my daddy would lived, he’d just have been about his age. And here I am with a pair of shoes on.” I looked down and they–they wouldn’t fit him, or I’d have give him my shoes. But to feel that poor man’s, holds his pride. And then to know after all of that, never maybe a good meal, no clothes hardly to wear, maybe a life that had a lot of burdens that only a–a man of…?… like he would know, then to be shut off in darkness where he couldn’t see.

Something inside of me begin to bleed, “Oh, God, that poor mortal, a man like I am, has a feeling, he loves, eat, drink, lives; he’s a man, and he is in this condition.” While praying for him, put my arms around him, his old hands laying across my shoulder, patting. I said, “Heavenly Father, if this would make me feel to see he’s like that what does it do to You?” In a few moments I heard him screaming and going on; he had received his sight.

Now what it is, is love. Love, my brethren, I realize I’m standing here this morning with a seventh grade education talking to scholars. But it no makes it–make any difference, of how much theology, and of how many ways we turn the Scriptures to make it fit our point, there’ll never nothing take the place of love: “Where there is tongues, they shall cease, where it’s prophecy it’ll–it’ll vanish, and where it knowledge, it’ll do the same thing, but love will endure forever.”

When Love Is Projected
Minneapolis, MN

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.