Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.
I was standing not long ago, out at Mount Palomar, in California, looked through a big glass there, that I could see a hundred and twenty million years of light-space. Break that down into miles and see how—how many miles, you run a row of nines around Owensboro, to try to break it down in miles, of how many billions and billions and billions of miles. And beyond there is moons, and stars, and worlds, and planets, just on endless; and God made them every one. And how can we bottle ourself down as a little, bitty, old mind like ourself, to try to say, “Well, God might have said it, but I just can’t believe it’s so.” Oh my, I just take Him at His Word, say It’s so, and believe It, make my confession, stand on God’s Word, and that settles it.
Some—some time ago, a few years ago, when Mayo Brothers, one of the best clinics in the nation (been interviewed there twice since then), said to me, “It’s impossible Reverend Branham, for you ever to get well.”
I said, “God, if You’ll let me get well, I’ll serve You with all my heart,” and something anchored down there. Ha, didn’t make any difference what Mayos said, I know what God said. And tonight, I’m in better health than I ever was in all my life. I never did weigh, up to that time, over a hundred and twenty-eight, I nearly weigh a hundred and sixty tonight.
It just goes to show that…Now the man was honest. I’m not discrediting Mayo Brothers Clinic, no sir. Them men were honest, and they were good men, and they did everything they knowed how to do, but that’s all they knowed, it was just the end of their knowledge. But faith has no end. Amen. Oh, I love that, I tell you that takes a wishbone out and puts a backbone in there, that’s right. Makes you stand, when you know that God is for you, and He’s promised it, and He said He’d do it, and He’s good to His Word. If that Word’s no good, then there is no God. And if that can’t…if I can’t trust That, if I can’t hang my soul on every phase of that Bible, then It’s no good at all. I don’t want nothing to do with It. If I was against, if I didn’t believe It, I’d be against God tonight. I’d say, “There is no such a thing.”
7 But I believe every Word of It is true, and every Divine promise is a seed that will produce just exactly what it said it would do, if you’ll take the right mental attitude towards it. Remember this, the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass.
Try it. No “try it”, just go do it. If you got enough behind you to push you and say that, “I can do it, and by God’s grace, I will do it,” then God’s with you. But if you just a wishy-washy, “Well, I’ll go up and see if they can do anything for me,” no.
Taking God At His Word
Join us live for Sunday morning service at 10:00 AM (Central)
Join us live for Sunday morning service at 10:00 AM (Central)
Samson, great deal like the church, started off right. He started off in the right direction. He started off, and was called a mighty man of valor. He started out, serving the Lord, in keeping His Words and doing His Commandments. And that was somewhat like the church. It started off on, as we would say, as a world expression, started on the right foot. Started to keep the Commandments of the Lord. And as long as Samson followed the Lord, the Lord used Samson.
For, God can keep anyone and use anyone that will follow after Him, for it’s God’s business. But when we turn to aside, away from the things of God, then God cannot use us any longer. When we’ll walk stedfastly after the Commandments of God, when we’ll stay in the pages of the Bible and worship by the written Word, worship Him in the Spirit and in the Truth of the Word, then God can use any individual. But when they take a notion to turn aside after something else, then God cannot use that person any longer.
So, Samson makes a—a very outstanding representation of the church of today. When the church started, God could use the church, for the church walked diligently after the Commandments of the Lord, kept all of His judgments and His statutes, and done all of His Commandments. And God was with the church. But it seems to be that there is such a weakening place amongst the church.
Remember, we are not on a picnic, but we’re in a battlefield. Many people just think that when they become a Christian that that’s all they need to do, that that settles it forever, as they are a Christian and everything’s going to come easy. Don’t never get that in your head. For, I become a Christian to fight, fight the good fight of faith. I become a Christian, to get in the battle lines. We are Christian soldiers, and we got to be trained and brought up, and know all the techniques of the enemy, to know how to fortify, to know how to—to fight the fight. And we can only do that as the Holy Spirit will reveal it to us. We cannot take what some other nation tells us when we go to war, some of their ideas. But we got to take our own ideas, the way the Holy Spirit would direct us, and what ideas He would give us, because He is the Commandering Chief of the army of the Christians.
A Deceived Church, By The World
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