Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.
Day one of White Eagle Youth Camp 2024
Last part of the mission trip East side of Venezuela
Little Church en Santa Fe Sucre State Venezuela. Our Little brother the song leader of the church, he is a great blessing for the body of Christ
Little Church en Santa Fe Sucre State Venezuela. Our Little brother the song leader of the church, he is a great blessing for the body of Christ
In the day when God turned the, or, Noah turned the crow loose, he was a bird set right on the ark, set in the ark right on the same floor with the dove. He could fly just as far as the dove. He could squawk and make a noise like the dove. But when they turned them loose…The crow was a scavenger. He could fly from one dead body to the other one and satisfy himself. But the dove could not satisfy herself. She flew back to the ark and pecked on the window, until father Noah opened the window. She was a dove. A dove is a bird that doesn’t have any gall. It cannot digest rotten things.
And every man that’s ever borned of the Spirit of God, takes on a nature that he can’t digest the world no more. “For if you love the world, or the things of the world, the love of God’s not even in you.” And, brother, if you still love the world and professing to be God’s child, for the sake of your own soul, find a place at the altar and pray through until God takes the world out of you. For He has perfected forever those that are sanctified or cleaned by the Holy Spirit, then we are in perfection.
The law having a shadow of things, not even the real things to come, with them sacrifices can never make the believer perfect. But a believer once coming into Christ, and by one Spirit baptized into that Body, He has perfected forever those that are in Christ Jesus. Then the things of the world…See? And He—He that…The worshipper once purged has no more conscience (or the right interpretation of that), has no more desire of sin. For the worshipper once purged has no more desire or conscience of sin. He doesn’t even want to sin to…He will do things wrong. And as soon as he does it, he will confess his sins right there and say, “God, forgive me; I didn’t mean to do that. You know it, Father.” God never sees it, but he has an advocate. He has a confession and he makes it.
But the man who goes ahead and sins and said, “Well, I belong to a church; don’t make any difference,” it shows that right in him proves that he hasn’t got what he says he’s got. No, sir. You can’t draw bitter and sweet water from the same fountain. That’s right.
The Law Having A Shadow
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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