Our Goal: One Soul
Worldwide Missionary Outreach
Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

The missionary work is going strong in Africa everyday. Somewhere in the remote regions in many countries on the dark continent the Lord Jesus finds his children. To God be the glory! Thank you for all your prayers for the missionaries that work tirelessly day and night.
The missionary work is going strong in Africa everyday. Somewhere in the remote regions in many countries on the dark continent the Lord Jesus finds his children. To God be the glory! Thank you for all your prayers for the missionaries that work tirelessly day and night.
We were speaking, the other day, before some businessmen, that were attorneys, and so forth. And—and they said…One said, “What is your—your main objective in life?”
I said, “I have one.”
He said, “What’s that?”
I said, “Saving souls for Christ.” That’s the—the only thing that I…
My highest ambition, and only ambition, is to see Jesus Christ glorified. I live for that.
And I’m so happy, our testimony, that thirty-one years is in the making now, I have humbly served Him. If I should live a million years, I had that much life to live, I’d want to live every minute of it for Him. For I…And if I knew I’d be turned down at the end, it’s such a privilege to live for Him! He is so real and so good!
And I have never found nothing, in all my travels of life, that would any way compare with the fellowship that we have together when we’re alone, He and I. There’s no sweeter communion. It’s greater than the love for anything, for wife, children, or anything, is the love of Christ. It’s so good.
Images Of Christ
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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