Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Mission Endeavors

Gulu Missions, Uganda, Africa. Four souls have been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep Bro. Charles and all the missionaries in your prayers as they spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

Tape of the Week

Humble Thyself

Quote of the Week

That’s the true experience of every real believer who meets God. You–you come in contact with Something that’s so great, that you… that–that you become a–a prisoner, to everything else. See? You–you get away from everything, to imprison yourself to This.

It’s expressed one time where Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is something like a man buying pearls. Then when he finds that great Pearl, he sells all that he’s got, to get that One.”

And that’s the way here. You–you have an intellectual conception, you have a–a–a–a theological experience; but when it comes to a time that when you–you–you really find the real Thing, you–you just sell out everything else, and you close yourself in to This.

Paul knew what it was. He–he found out that he was harnessed to Something. Like we put a–a–a horse in a harness, it’s to–it’s to pull something. And Paul knew, after this experience, and three years and a half of typing the–the experience he had, with the Bible, he realized that God had chosen him and had harnessed him by the Holy Spirit, the experience that he had, to pull the Gospel in the presence of the Gentiles. The Spirit, Itself, harnessed him.

And, today, as servants of Christ, we become harnessed, hooked up. We can’t go. We’re logged in with It, harnessed to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, you’re harnessed to It. There is something about It, that you just can’t get away from It. You been yoked up with It, by the Holy Ghost, has yoked you to the Word. No matter what anyone else says, It’s the Word. That’s always harnessed up with It, put in the yoke with It. To the Word, by the Spirit, he was harnessed.

He had learned on the–the back side of the Arabian desert there. When, all his former things, and experiences, and ambition, that, he had been stripped of those things.

Now, that’s where we find, today, that we must be stripped, first. And people don’t want to be stripped. The Methodist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Methodist teaching. Uh-huh. The Baptist brother wants to hold to a little bit of his Baptist teaching. See? But you’ve got to absolutely be stripped of everything, and just born again, afresh. And take up from there, let the Holy Spirit lead.

A Prisoner
Jeffersonville, Indiana

Tape of the Week

The Uncertain Sound

Quote of the Week

And when God so loved the world, God’s Divine love to Adam’s race, when He so loved it, Christ stepped out and sovereign grace took its place. God’s love was met by sovereign grace. God gave His only begotten Son. You see it?

Now, I used to think that God was angry with me, but Christ loved me. But come to find out that Christ is the very heart of God. And in this beautiful type of the coming out of the children of Israel, how that Christ in type, was the smitten rock. And the only way that those people… After searching everywhere for water, they were perishing. And Moses, God’s servant, took the judgment rod, which it was a judgment stick… It had brought judgment upon the unbeliever of Egypt, flies, gnats, all kinds of diseases, affliction. God’s judgment stick that was waved in the hand of His servant, smote the rock, and rock gave forth its water, and a perishing people was saved. What a beautiful type of John 3:16.

God loved the world that He… The smiting of the just judgments that belonged to us, they were all smitten onto Christ. And out of Him came forth rivers of living waters, speaking of the Spirit, that a perishing people might live. The waters of life coming from Him, a smitten sacrifice, an accepted One… And no matter how little… I love God for that.

Some people says, “Well, it won’t make much difference whether I receive it or not.” It does.

“Well, I’m just a little housewife.”

“I am just a little colored lady that lives back in the alley.”

It… No matter who you are, that “Whosoever will, let him come…” No matter how little, like the text, no matter how small it is…

I’ve often wondered, as I go into the woods in the springtime, after the cold blusterous winter, and I notice little, teeny flowers, no larger than a half a inch, and I have to get down sometimes to see them. How insignificant it is to the great stately oak that’s standing by it. But God is so mindful that He sees that this teeny, little flower is taken care of through the winter, that it can raise again and spread forth its beauty. And in there is sometimes blue and red colors. God knows them every one. God is concerned about us all.

When Divine Love Is Projected, Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place
Lima, OH

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.