Our Goal: One Soul

Worldwide Missionary Outreach

Our mission is to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, knowing that we're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with the evidence of the resurrection.

Eleven Souls for the Kingdom in Uganda

Eleven souls gave their lives to Jesus Christ at the mountain fellowship in Kaabong, Uganda. Please keep Bro. Isaacson and team in your prayers as they travel across the African Bush spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and the dying.

Tape of the Week

God’s Word Calls for a Total Seperation from Unbelief

Special Prayer Request

Special Prayer Request

We are asking for prayer for direction concerning the church in Monzi, South Africa. Having built the church in 2007, we have remained invested in the group there with our love, time, prayers, leadership, and finances. Over the years your generosity has kept this church going, as well as several livelihood projects that have been attempted. For all of this we say thank you!

Now it seems that we have come to a shift in direction for Monzi. We are asking for serious prayer for what the Lord wants for the future. We know that sometimes it is time to move on from something when the Lord is finished in an area, but are hesitant to make a move without a sure leading. Our hearts are to see this church stand on it’s own, but up til now this has never been the case. So we are moving toward a decision in the next few months as to what is next.

We need the Lord to come on the scene for Bro. Calvin and the group with some way to become financially self supportive if it be His will to continue. If this is not His perfect will, then we ask for Him to direct the leadership accordingly.

Please pray for Bro. Daniel Martin and the leadership for direction, Bro. Calvin Mthembu and his family, and the church in Monzi.

Thank you for keeping this in the forefront of your prayers.

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Our Weekly Bulletin contains a summary of the missionary work from the previous week, current and upcoming events, our Tape of the Week, and Quote of the Week.