Song of Encouragement“I’m Thankful”
Song of Encouragement in Spanish“The Old Man Is Dead” “But when really the product, the new Life of Jesus Christ, comes into a man or a woman, he is a new creation, the old man is dead. He is finished. He’s done.” WMB ~ “Pero cuando realmente el producto, la nueva Vida de Jesucristo, entra
Sometimes this world brings trouble I find so hard to bear. I know I could not make it without Jesus being there.It’s so encouraging to know,How ever deep we’re in despair…Jesus never fails. Jesus never fails. Jesus never fails.You might as well get thee behind me, SatanYou cannot prevail, Because Jesus never fails.
We look forward to having you join us this evening.
Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo Read More »
“I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.”1 John 2:12 ~ “Os escribo a vosotros, hijitos, porque vuestros pecados os han sido perdonados por Su nombre.”1 Juan 2:12
“I believe, though, of all the preaching I ever heard in my life, I’d just live to heard Him when He stood there and said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden, I will give you rest.” Wouldn’t you love to have heard that? I guess we’ll never hear that. But here’s
Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo
Praise and Worship – Alabanza y Ánimo Read More »